Bouncing Back From Trauma

Restoring mental health in the face of trauma

James Pennebaker, a social psychologist, began looking at questions of trauma and health in the 1980s. By utilizing the results of his studies and interviewing participants who had experienced trauma, Pennebaker uncovered the true issue. He found that for many people, the traumatic experience itself wasn’t what hurt their mental well-being, it was keeping the experience and pent up feelings to themselves that truly put a dent in their mental health.
Pennebaker found that many people who had experienced trauma were afraid to discuss the strong emotions that they felt. By using this data he concluded that writing is a fantastic way to express your feelings.
Dozens of studies by Pennebaker have also found that expressive writing can reduce blood pressure, lower stress-hormone levels, lessen pain, improve immune function, and alleviate depression while also heightening self-awareness, improving relationships, and increasing our ability to cope with challenges.

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